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Your Guide to a Perfect Pedicure
Tuesday, 02 June 2015 - 2:57 | Views - 1,082

Don't Risk a Color Clash

You've finally found your perfect shade of nail polish.

So would it be too matchy-matchy to wear it on your fingers and toes? Wearing the same shade of polish on your fingers and toes helps you look more finished.

You can use two different colors, but make sure they coordinate.

Having red fingernails and blue toenails isn't the way to go.


Do Soften Calluses Carefully

Calluses and corns are hardened skin that can crack and hurt if they get too thick.

During a pedicure, don't let the salon technician use a razor on your feet. Razors raise the risk of infection.

At home, soak your feet in warm water for at least five minutes.

Then use a foot file, pumice stone, or exfoliating scrub to remove calluses. Don't go barefoot, either -- it can cause calluses


Do Cultivate Beautiful Cuticles

Cuticles keep out germs, so treat them well! Tell the nail technician not to push back or cut your cuticles during a pedicure.

This lowers your risk for infection.

In between visits, never tear your cuticles.

You can soften ragged cuticles by rubbing in moisturizer.

If you notice that your cuticles are red or irritated, see your doctor.


Do Trim Toenails Right

In between pedicures, cut your toenails straight across to trim them.

This helps prevent ingrown toenails and keeps them strong.

Filing your nails slightly so they're rounded in the center is fine.

Before you polish your nails, gently clean underneath them with a manicure stick.


Do Go Natural Once in a While

You might think bare toenails are ugly, but nails need to breathe and have moisture, and polish acts as a barrier.

So skip the nail polish for a week or longer each month and enjoy the low-maintenance look.

It's a good idea to remove your nail polish if you can't fix it as soon as it chips.

Your toenails are vulnerable to damage in the spots where polish is missing.

If by some miracle your polish lasts two weeks, go ahead and change it anyway.


Do Pick the Right Polish Remover

Nail polish removers with acetone work well if your polish is very dark.

They're also a good choice if you have a gel or shellac finish, which is hard to remove. 

Acetone can be drying and harsh, so if your nails or skin are sensitive, go for a non acetone remover.

It's gentler, but it'll take more work to remove the polish



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