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9 Easy Steps to Creating a Calming Fitness Room
Friday, 20 February 2015 - 10:55 | Views - 1,379
1. Choose peaceful colors.
Whites and light grays are traditional picks, but there's no need to
stick to neutrals: Blues, purples, and yellows can be peaceful, too. While we do recommend
staying away from bold colors like red and orange, really, it's about making yourself feel at
ease. So if there's a color you love, paint it!

2. Unclutter.
It's hard to be mindful with a stack of papers sitting a foot from your right
knee. Think about how clutter makes you feel: Scattered, disorganized, and anxious. To create a
healthy area you're excited to be in, focus on clearing the clutter — no matter how big the
space is.

3. Add houseplants.
Bringing nature into your workout space is a great substitute for working
out outside. Plants help filter the air, but they also create a calming environment that feels
more natural. Don't go wild — a few plants is all you need — but adding a little greenery can
make your daily workout just a little more pleasant.

4. Take advantage of natural light.
No one wants to work out under harsh fluorescent lights.Instead, try to select a workout area that gets plenty of natural light, which is more energizing and relaxing than harsh lights from above. And if you're working out at night — or if natural light is out of the picture — think "calming," not bright, choosing sconces and lamps instead of overhead lights.

5. Think minimalistic.
It's so easy to get distracted during a workout.Fend off potential distractors by removing them entirely. There are plenty of opportunities to go decor-wild in your home, but leave your fitness area simple.

6. Indulge in organization.
Fitness equipment isn't known for being super-attractive, even if you've got a minimal set (a few weights and bands and a yoga mat). While its by no means a requirement, don't feel bad indulging in an attractive bookcase or storage solution.

7. Make space for movement.
All that lunging, vinyasa flow-ing, and running in place means you need at least a few free feet in every direction. After all, what's fun about hitting your head on your coffee table while doing push-ups?

8. Don't forget about scent.
The best fitness rooms feel spa-like: A calm space in the middle of the hubbub of everyday life. One essential — but often overlooked — ingredient is scent.Whether you opt for diffusers or potpourri or candles or the fresh mountain air floating in through your windows (jealous), don't skip this important step in creating a peaceful space.

9. Select inspiring artwork.
No, don't clutter your walls. But a few well-placed prints will make your room more beautiful — and more inspiring. Choose panoramas of vistas you love or artwork that pushes you to do your best, even in the middle of a tough workout.

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